Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sniffle, sniffle

E and I have been fighting off a cold this past week here chez Tiny Muffins, hence the radio silence.  I do have a few fun pictures that Hubbo snapped before we got sick.

E has since agreed to wear pants (at first he seemed quite worried about where his legs went).  We are still working on shoes and hats.  He didn't mind hats at all last winter, and he even did pretty well with his sun hat over the summer, but now he is not keen on them in the slightest, even if his great-aunt and I made them for him!

In anticipation of our move (we have a closing date!  Oct. 19!), we have gotten a couple of organizer-type items that don't "fit" anywhere in our current house, but will have good homes after the move.  The idea with this one is to have a limited selection of toys out and rotate them periodically.  Looks much neater than it did before.

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Speaking of moving, we still have some things we want to be sure to do before we leave (not that we're moving thaaat far):
  • Go to the donut shop with the fun name (Spunky Dunkers, tee hee)
  • Go to Mass at the church where we got married (it's much closer now than it will be once we move)
  • Have yummy yummy Thai food from the restaurant we can walk to
  • Take pictures of the house before we start packing - to show E when he's older -- almost done, just need to do the outside
  • Visit the bead shop that neighbor J mentioned -- it was a little creepy for me, good thing Hubbo went with :-/
  • Go to the forest preserve one more time -- it's gotten quite cold, I'm not thinking we'll do this one
  • Have a family brunch at Wildberry (on a weekday!) 
  • Dinner at "Big Bowl Noodle"

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Birthday Party Recap

We had E's birthday party with his grandparents the weekend after his birthday. He was a little surprised to wake up from his nap and find the living room filled with party guests, but it didn't take too long for him to warm up to everyone.

Here he is checking out a sparkley birthday card from my mom. It is still fun to touch the sparkles a week and a half later! E is also wearing a necklace with a lucky jade charm from Hubbo's parents.

Birthday cake made by Mommy!  I used this recipe for the cake, and this one, more or less, for the frosting. The cake was not exactly light and fluffy, probably because I used almond milk instead of cow's milk, but all in all I think it turned out as well as one could expect for the first cake I made from scratch. Luckily I have a whole year to devise a birthday treat for next year!

Mmmm cake.  I would say that the majority of the cake ended up on the floor or on the highchair, but E did eat some of it.  He liked it well enough, but he likes to eat just about anything these days!

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Friday, September 7, 2012

One Year Old!

Happy birthday, E!  It really is hard to believe that it's been a year already.  We remember the days in the hospital and the early days at home like they were just a few months ago...

The day itself was full of our usual activities: breakfast, playing outside, nap, picnic lunch, nap, taking a walk with Mommy in the carrier, dinner, and then ... presents!

Okay, this one is actually from our Labor Day cookout
What could be inside?


Hammer balls!  Want to play?


I'm pleasantly surprised that this toy seems really developmentally appropriate for a just-turned-one year old. E has just started experimenting with putting objects on other objects, and once in awhile inside them, so putting the balls back in the holes is great. He doesn't quite get that he's supposed to use the hammer to knock them down, but he has a lot of fun just pushing them out with his hand and putting them back in.

A birthday post wouldn't be complete without a blast from the past, here's our little guy at 24 hours old:

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Official Walker

It's official, E is walking! This post is about a week overdue, but he is roaming all over our (ranch) house now without any assistance from us or the furniture.  He still likes to have a hand to hold when we're outside, for now.

Here's an action shot, he likes to keep that arm up :)

One of E's favorite walking games is to lead me by the hand in to the bedroom, and then he hides behind the bed, and I crawl out the door and around the corner.  Then he comes chasing after me like the wind!  He can easily play this game six or seven times in a row, whew.

Mr. Man also has enough balance to stand on his tiptoes now, to reach just that little bit higher when he sees something interesting. He's absolutely wearing himself out these days with his newfound skills, too. I think that might be why his appetite for solid food seems to be increasing a bit.