Monday, August 20, 2012

Making Waves

What have we been up to lately? Well, little E now has almost 5 teeth! Three on the top (two of those are still coming through), and two down on the bottom. He has also just started waving! I actually didn't realize he was waving, until we saw our neighbors on their bikes, and E waved at them, and the neighbor said, "He waved!" He'll sometimes wave if you say "wave," but "bye-bye" gets a wave more often.

In our classic book, Pat the Bunny, Paul and Judy wave bye-bye at the end, and E loves that part. So far, he's also happy to pat the bunny, look in the mirror, and read Judy's book.
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Unrelated, I made this furniture polish. I didn't polish our wooden furniture last summer (I don't know why I thought I'd have more time for that this year ?!?!), and finding a "natural" furniture polish recipe has been on my radar for awhile. I stumbled on this one from a blog I don't usually read, but who's author just released a book called A Year of Pies. I'm not a big pie person (unless it's pecan), but the book also has savory pies (i.e. chicken pot pie), so it's on my list if our library gets a copy!

All that to say, it was pretty random to find this recipe, but it only has 3 ingredients, and they're not too weird (that is, Whole Foods had them all). So far it seems to me to work as well as Old English. One less fatal-if-swallowed thing to have around!.

 Coming soon, I made myself a way cool hat, I just need to get some pictures of me wearing it.

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